пятница, 29 мая 2015 г.

Даррен Хит: «Голову на тарелке»

Даррен Хит: «Голову на тарелке»

Фотограф F1 передает свои эмоции от сюжета последнего Монако


В блоге фотографа F1 Даррена Хита появилась эмоциональная заметка. Не гоже было пройти мимо такого образного описания произошедшего на последних кругах гонки в Монако.
"Кто: принял решение?"
Все пошло не так, совсем не так.
"Мы проиграли, не так ли?"
Кошмар этой ситуации был виден прямо на лице Льюиса Хэмилтона.
Самое бессмысленное решение в Формуле 1 со времен Абу-Даби 2010 стоило пилоту Мерседеса заслуженной победы в Гран-При Монако. В дополнение ко всему победа в этой особенной гонке досталась ближайшему сопернику  англичанина Нико Росбергу.
Сотни миллионов поклонников Формулы 1, смотревших трансляцию гонки, зрители на трибунах Княжества, TV комментаторы, журналисты в медиа-центре, фотографы вдоль трассы, все недоумевали, совершенно запутались и были озадачены причинами подобного безрассудства, бессмысленности и разрушительности этого "стратегического" решения.
Сидя на своей табуретке в боксах очень высокооплачеваемые "эксперты", знакомые с принятием решений в Серебряных Стрелах во время сражений на трассе, растеряны и одурачены. Они хорошо представляют волну отрицательной рекламы, которую вызовет это саморазрушающее решение.
Отмашка финишного флага и в третий раз подряд этот наиболее гламурный Гран-При выигран немцем с его вскинутой левой руке в зеленой перчатке с поднятым указательным пальцем в знак победного приветствия. 
Какая драма, какая интрига, радость и разочарование. Опять F1 представляет историю, которая могла быть написана лучшими сценаристами Голливуда. Но это не фантазия, а реальность.
И в гараже и на пит-уолл звучали вопросы: "Где Льюис? Он собирается на церемонию награждения?" А в дальней стороне трассы, припарковавшись в Портье, остановился Мерседес F1W06.
Через помехи радиоэфира было слышно Льюиса: "Я останавливаюсь в Портье и иду домой". Очевидно Хэмилтон получил достаточно и без присутствия на коронации Росберга. Спокойный, но твердый ответ исполнительного директора Мерседес и давнего коллеги Льюиса Падди Лоу: "Нет, ты не можешь. Ты должен прийти на подиум".
Каковы бы не были ваши пристрастия, я настаиваю, что никто не мог не почувствовать тяжесть процедуры на подиуме для Хэмилтона. Это было очевидным, не так ли?
TV картинка, лайв-тайминг, здравый смысл. Все должно отклонять всякую мысль подвергать риску победу в конце гонки. Я знаю, заключительные круги в гонке создают напряженную атмосферу, особенно в сочетании с выездом автомобиля безопасности. Но, действительно, "мозговой штаб", используемый командами для принятия решений, должен знать ситуацию лучше.
Не только те люди, которых вы видите на трассе, но и те, кто находится за кадром в специально оборудованных помещениях подобно космическим станциям с мега-способностями  (предположительно) управляют действиями, на основании большого количества информации о гонке. Что, черт возьми, они сделали?
Возможно они напуганы. Мерседес напомнил ежа, который замер, напуганный яркими огнями приближающегося автомобиля. Неожиданная победа Феррари в Малайзии похоже вызвала замешательство в умах руководства команды из Брекли. Возможно это замешательство и повлияло на их воскресное решение на 65 круге гонки.
Если это было так, то они должны быть  обеспокоены. Не столько угрозой со стороны Себастьяна Феттеля на его SF15T, сколько их хрупкой уверенностью в своих силах и отсутствием здравого смысла.
Льюис конечно же вернется в норму, но решена ли проблема? Его подвела команда и фраза "Мы вместе побеждаем и вместе проигрываем" звучит приторно. Это лишь для широкой публики, и,  надеюсь, что в стороне от жадного взгляда СМИ, Хэмилтон выплеснул свою ярость. Как это нужно делать демонстрировал Алонсо.
Льюис был слишком подавлен. Плохо, когда после такой катастрофической гонки, нет проявления эмоций. Шлем, летящий через всю комнату, дверь, сорванная с петель - всё это я видел в исполнении Фернандо в Шанхае в 2007 году - надеюсь, что-то подобное Льюис устроил в воскресенье.
Льюис был слишком подавлен. Плохо, когда после такой катастрофической гонки, нет проявления эмоций. Шлем, летящий через всю комнату, дверь, сорванная с петель - всё это я видел в исполнении Фернандо в Шанхае в 2007 году - надеюсь, что-то подобное Льюис устроил в воскресенье
"Я хочу голову того, кто принял это решение", требовал Ники Лауда в воскресенье днем. Это уже немного лучше.
Проглоти горькую пилюлю, Льюис, и дай бой.
Противоположные эмоции подиума Монако 2015
P.S. Уже после того как подготовил эту заметку с переводом оригинала, натолкнулся на подобное на сайте f1news. Но не зря же старался? Пусть будет как альтернатива :-)
Тем более оригинал того стоит.

P.P.S. По ходу описания произошедшего автор затронул тему 2007 года и провел аналогию с эмоциями Алонсо после гонки в Китае. Автор - человек очевидно осведомленный и публичный, своего рода инсайдер. Вряд ли ему есть смысл что-то выдумывать. Но я не припоминаю ничего, что могло вызвать такую бурю эмоций у Алонсо в Китае 2007. Вроде как раз исход максимального держания на трассе Хэмилтона на убитых до корда промежуточных покрышках располагал к обратным эмоциям у напарника. Может кто-то помнит?

четверг, 28 мая 2015 г.

Darren Heath: "Head on a plate"

"Голову на тарелке"

Даррен Хит  25.05.2015

«Кто …принял решение?»

Все пошло не так, совсем не так.
«Мы проиграли, не так ли?»
Кошмар этой ситуации был виден прямо на лице Льюиса Хэмилтона.
Самое бессмысленное решение в Формуле 1 со времен Абу-Даби 2010 стоило пилоту Мерседеса заслуженной победы в Гран-При Монако. В дополнение ко всему победа в этой особенной гонке досталась ближайшему сопернику  англичанина Нико Росбергу.
Сотни миллионов поклонников Формулы 1 смотревших трансляцию гонки, зрители на трибунах Княжества, TV комментаторы, журналисты в медиа-центре, фотографы вдоль трассы, все недоумевали, совершенно запутались и были озадачены причинами подобного безрассудства, бессмысленности и разрушительности этого «стратегического» решения.
Сидя на своей табуретке в боксах очень высокооплачеваемые «эксперты», знакомые с принятием решений в Серебряных Стрелах во время сражений на трассе, растеряны и одурачены. Они хорошо представляют волну отрицательной рекламы, которую вызовет это саморазрушающее решение.

Отмашка финишного флага и в третий раз подряд этот наиболее гламурный Гран-При выигран немцем с его вскинутой левой руке в зеленой перчатке с поднятым указательным пальцем в знак победного приветствия.   

Какая драма, какая интрига, радость и разочарование. Опять F1 представляет историю, которая могла быть написана лучшими сценаристами Голливуда. Но это не фантазия, а реальность.
И в гараже и на пит-уолл звучали вопросы: «Где Льюис? Он собирается на церемонию награждения?» А в дальней стороне трассы, припарковавшись в Портье, остановился Мерседес F1W06

Через помехи радиоэфира было слышно Льюиса: «Я останавливаюсь в Портье и иду домой». Очевидно Хэмилтон получил достаточно и без присутствия на коронации Росберга. Спокойный, но твердый ответ исполнительного директора  Мерседес и давнего коллеги Льюиса Падди Лоу: «Нет, ты не можешь. Ты должен прийти на подиум».
Каковы бы не были ваши пристрастия, я настаиваю, что никто не мог не почувствовать тяжесть процедуры на подиуме для Хэмилтона. 

Это было очевидным, не так ли? TV картинка, лайв-тайминг, здравый смысл. Все должно отклонять всякую мысль подвергать риску победу в конце гонки. Я знаю, заключительные круги в гонке создают напряженную атмосферу, особенно в сочетании с выездом автомобиля безопасности. Но, действительно, «мозговой штаб», используемый командами для принятия решений, должен знать ситуацию лучше.

Не только те люди, которых вы видите на трассе, но и те, кто находится за кадром в специально оборудованных помещениях подобно космическим станциям с мега-способностями  (предположительно) управляют действиями, на основании большого количества информации о гонке. Что, черт возьми, они сделали?

Возможно они напуганы. Мерседес напомнил ежа, который замер, напуганный яркими огнями приближающегося автомобиля. Неожиданная победа Феррари в Малайзии похоже вызвала замешательство в умах руководства команды из Брекли. Возможно это замешательство и повлияло на их воскресное решение на 65 круге гонки.

Если это было так, то они должны быть  обеспокоены. Не столько угрозой со стороны Себастьяна Феттеля на его SF15T, сколько их хрупкой уверенностью в своих силах и отсутствием здравого смысла.

Льюис конечно же вернется в норму, но решена ли проблема? Его подвела команда и фраза «Мы вместе побеждаем и вместе проигрываем» звучит приторно. Это лишь для широкой публики, и,  надеюсь, что в стороне от жадного взгляда СМИ, Хэмилтон выплеснул свою ярость. Как это нужно делать демонстрировал Алонсо.
Льюис был слишком подавлен. Плохо, когда после такой катастрофической гонки, нет проявления эмоций. Шлем, летящий через всю комнату, дверь, сорванная с петель – всё это я видел в исполнении Фернандо в Шанхае в 2007 году – надеюсь, что-то подобное Льюис устроил в воскресенье.

«Я хочу голову того, кто принял это решение», требовал Ники Лауда в воскресенье днем. Это уже немного лучше.
Проглоти горькую пилюлю, Льюис, и дай бой. 

среда, 27 мая 2015 г.

F1fanatic: 2015 Monaco Grand Prix team radio transcript

2015 Monaco Grand Prix team radio transcript

Lap* From To Message
PR Valtteri Bottas Jonathan Eddolls This message was played 25 minutes before the start on the pit lane feed, then during the formation lap on the main feed.
Balance feels OK and the track seems to be a bit better than before. The tyre is biting better.
PR Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas OK that’s good. All looks good in data.
PR Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington The car is definitely sliding around a bit through the low-speed, the rear’s sliding. So… the front end generally feels quite good.
PR Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Pole sitter Hamilton watched footage of previous starts including last year, when he lined up second on the grid behind Rosberg, who he shared the front row with this year.
Just looked at last year’s start, obviously pointing to the right.
PR Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Affirm. In Nico’s case your line-up last year was perfect. Where you are today you just want to be careful you don’t go right over the pit exit because that is a bit slippery. You want to stay just to the left of that exit line.
PR Josh Peckett Will Stevens The track temp is hotter than it’s been in any other session so far, which is good for us using this tyre. No issue with the weather from our side.
PR Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Just want some guidance, really, what to do with the balance because the balance felt a little bit understeery there in the high and felt good in the low, perhaps a little bit too strong on the front, but generally felt good.
FL Marco Matassa Carlos Sainz Jnr Sainz started from the pit lane on super-soft tyres.
The first stint I can tell you right now the target is to go as fast as possible and to overtake as many cars as possible. Then we will start speaking about the situation when we will have [soft].
FL Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas So you’ve done a good job. It will be seven burn-outs when we do them.
1 Felipe Massa Dave Robson I finish, man. It’s finished.
2 Fernando Alonso Mark Temple I touch with Hulkenberg in turn five, I think it is OK, check anyway.
2 Mark Temple Fernando Alonso OK, understood, we’ll keep an eye on it.
2 Nico Hulkenberg Brad Joyce Got hit on the rear-left, just check the car, think it’s OK.
2 Brad Joyce Nico Hulkenberg Copy, keep pushing, can’t see anything in the data.
2 Nico Hulkenberg Brad Joyce [Unclear]
2 Brad Joyce Nico Hulkenberg See if you can get the car back, we need a front wing.
2 Carlos Sainz Jnr Marco Matassa Sainz passed the Manor (previously Marussia) drivers soon after starting from the pits.
OK Marussias cleared.
2 Marco Matassa Carlos Sainz Jnr Well done mate, keep going.
3 Dave Robson Felipe Massa So we had a look at the car, everything is OK. The car is all good. So let’s just settle in, see what we can do on this set.
4 Simon Rennie Daniel Ricciardo How is the balance Daniel?
4 Daniel Ricciardo Simon Rennie Not too bad. Just got to look after the rear a little bit.
4 Valtteri Bottas Jonathan Eddolls Unlike most drivers, Bottas started the race on the harder soft tyres.
Now the pace is similar to the car in front. Tyre still getting better.
4 Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas Copy. Good feedback.
4 Mark Slade Pastor Maldonado We think the brakes are OK now.
4 Pastor Maldonado Mark Slade They are not OK.
5 Pastor Maldonado Mark Slade I’m losing the pedal.
5 Mark Slade Pastor Maldonado You need to do some lift-and-coast if you can please.
5 Xevi Pujolar Max Verstappen OK we think Maldonado ahead is struggling so put pressure on him.
6 Mark Slade Pastor Maldonado What’s happening is that the rear brake-by-wire system’s not working but the rear brakes are working You’re going to have a long pedal, and you’re going to need to keep the rear calliper temperatures under control. So you’re going to need to do a reasonable amount of lift-and-coast, Pastor. Lift and cost please.
6 Pastor Maldonado Mark Slade Copy.
6 Max Verstappen Xevi Pujolar Got him.
6 Xevi Pujolar Max Verstappen Good job.
7 Tim Wright Sergio Perez Verstappen is through on Maldonado, we expect him to close the gap behind, but your pace is good.
7 Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas Mode six. You are in the window. Give me feedback on the pace if you can.
7 Valtteri Bottas Jonathan Eddolls Losing a lot to the cars in the cars in front. But they obviously have [super-soft], me [soft].
8 Xevi Pujolar Max Verstappen The pace group ahead is slightly faster. For sure we can increase a bit the pace.
9 Sergio Perez Tim Wright How is the pace?
9 Tim Wright Sergio Perez Pace is good, you are still pulling a gap to Verstappen, it’s good.
9 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Front-left brake is still on the warm side so any more management would be good.
11 Gianpiero Lambiase Daniil Kvyat How’s the balance, Dany?
11 Daniil Kvyat Gianpiero Lambiase All OK so far. A little bit [unclear] on the rear.
11 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel Good lap, keep pushing like this. Faster than Hamilton, Hamilton lap 20.3.
11 Valtteri Bottas Jonathan Eddolls This is the pace at the moment we have with these tyres. Can’t go quicker.
11 Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas Copy that.
12 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Last lap data was good.
13 Marcus Ericsson Erik Schuivens Ericsson was stuck behind Bottas.
We’re losing a lot of lap time here, guys.
13 Erik Schuivens Marcus Ericsson Copy that, Marcus. We’re assessing the situation. We currently have traffic around the rear [unclear].
13 Jenson Button Tom Stallard Losing a bit of grip front and rear. [Unclear] braking, high speed, hard braking, I have too much rear.
14 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington What can I do to save these brakes? Having to drive so slow right now.
14 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton It looks like we’re very safe on rear temp if the balance can handle it. A little bit more rearward on [brake balance] would help.
15 Nico Hulkenberg Brad Joyce Hulkenberg was making his way past the Manors.
He’s going straight at the chicane. Braking really late and going straight.
16 Marco Matassa Carlos Sainz Jnr Scenario five, scenario five now. Racing Ericsson out of the pits.
16 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington By lap 16 Hamilton was 4.1 seconds ahead of third-placed Vettel.
Are we gapping the cars like expected?
16 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton So check diff high speed. Not pulling the gap to Vettel quite as quickly as we need.
17 Fernando Alonso Mark Temple I think the [super-soft] is much faster right now.
18 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg So this is lap 18. Just start closing the gap to Lewis.
18 Simon Rennie Daniel Ricciardo Ricciardo was given the standard notification that the team intended to pit him in the event of either Safety Car situation.
The window is open for Safety Car and Virtual Safety Car.
18 Daniel Ricciardo Simon Rennie Understood.
19 David Greenwood Kimi Raikkonen How are the tyres, Kimi?
19 Kimi Raikkonen David Greenwood Tyres are OK apart from [unclear]. There is no point to go closer to the car in front.
19 Gianpiero Lambiase Daniil Kvyat Let’s start to close the gap to Vettel ahead if you can. His last lap was a 20.9.
20 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Brakes are now coming under control. You can reduce lift-and-coast.
20 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami Front wing plus half a degree.
20 Mark Temple Fernando Alonso Massa and Grosjean have pitted behind on the [soft]. We need to be quicker than them. I’ll give you pace info at the end of this lap.
21 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Important you start closing the gap to Lewis just in case there’s a Safety Car.
22 Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas The cars in front are struggling on the [soft] tyres.
22 Marco Matassa Carlos Sainz Jnr What about the tyres and balance.
22 Carlos Sainz Jnr Marco Matassa OK. I’m managing the tyre a lot at the moment. So tyre phase one or two.
22 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington The brakes good?
22 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton The brakes now under control.
23 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg [Soft] warm-up looks a lot better than we thought. Vettel is a threat from the undercut so push to get a gap.
23 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Front brake temperatures are getting hot now so just come rearwards on the brake balance if you can, otherwise we’ll need some fuel saving for brakes.
23 Gianpiero Lambiase Daniil Kvyat Solid job so far. Keep it sweet, keep it consistent.
24 Felipe Massa Dave Robson For information the rear is not 100%.
24 Dave Robson Felipe Massa OK Felipe understood, copy that.
24 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Hamilton was constantly managing his brake temperatures as he came in and out of traffic.
How are my brakes?
24 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton OK Lewis we are now approaching the limit on brakes.
26 Daniel Ricciardo Simon Rennie Status nine. Starting to lose the rear also.
27 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Gap now at 4.3. Both cars 20.8.
27 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington On the main feed only “I lost a lot of time in that traffic” was heard.
How come? I lost a lot of time in that traffic?
27 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton So Nico’s just clearing the traffic as well now.
28 Marco Matassa Carlos Sainz Jnr We have a similar scenario to before for blue flags. Try to take the occasion and overtake Ericsson.
28 Sergio Perez Tim Wright I think we need to reduce the front wing for the [soft]. I’m having some understeer in the low-speed.
30 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami I’m close now.
30 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg So push hard Nico, push now.
30 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg So currently on lap 30. Need to get past Ericsson. Not going to be long.
32 Tim Wright Sergio Perez So we will stay on this tyre longer and see where our gaps are. Good job.
32 Sergio Perez Tim Wright This is all I have.
32 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington By lap 32 Hamilton was 8.3 seconds ahead of Rosberg and over ten clear of Vettel.
Are other people having deg?
32 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton In terms of degradation it is low, looks like everyone’s on the same slope.
32 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Reason I’m asking is because I’m pulling away a second a lap and my tyres feel good.
32 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Yeah, sure thing Lewis.
32 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg So you’re doing a good job Nico, just keep us advised on the tyres.
33 Xevi Pujolar Max Verstappen Verstappen lost over 25 seconds with a slow pit stop which dropped him down the running order.
We’ll have to close the gap and attack these guys ahead now. Nothing is over here.
34 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel Good lap Sebastian. Rosberg lap time 20.5, keep pushing like this.
34 Tom Stallard Jenson Button How are the tyres?
34 Jenson Button Tom Stallard Struggling a lot more with the rears now.
35 Fernando Alonso Mark Temple Alonso was given a five-second time penalty for colliding with Hulkenberg shortly after the incident on the first lap.
Why we have the penalty?
35 Mark Temple Fernando Alonso It was the incident with Hulkenberg at the start. But thanks to your pace it hasn’t affected us, so great job.
35 Fernando Alonso Mark Temple OK. Leave it.
36 Daniel Ricciardo Simon Rennie Just really struggling with the rears in high-speed now. Starting to get close to a cliff.
37 David Greenwood Kimi Raikkonen Box this lap, keep pushing, these sectors will count.
38 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami We didn’t make it.
38 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg You’re in front of Vettel, good job.
39 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Brake temps should come under control now we’re in free air.
41 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami OK it was a shame we lost more than a second behind a Manor, behind Merhi I think. Otherwise the gap could be a bit closer to Rosberg.
41 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel Yes, agree, copy.
42 Carlos Sainz Jnr Marco Matassa Explain me why Ericsson pitted.
42 Marco Matassa Carlos Sainz Jnr We think he’s on an alternative strategy and we may find him at the end of the race.
42 Dave Robson Felipe Massa So we’re on the [super-soft]. Cars around us are all on [soft]. Let’s keep pushing on.
44 Fernando Alonso Mark Temple Alonso retired.
The gearbox seizes, can you check what we can do?
44 Mark Temple Fernando Alonso OK Fernando can you switch off the car on the left-hand side and the right-hand side.
45 Jenson Button Tom Stallard What happened?
45 Tom Stallard Jenson Button Jenson we don’t think it affects us.
46 Tim Wright Sergio Perez Ricciardo is struggling ahead, he is on the same strategy as you.
46 Jenson Button Tom Stallard These guys are really bad at getting out of the way today. He hasn’t moved for a whole lap now.
46 Tom Stallard Jenson Button Understood, he has blue flags.
46 Roberto Merhi Nicholas Perrinn Merhi complains he is being warned about blue flags to let the leaders past long before they catch him.
Don’t tell me [unclear] blue flags, please tell me when the [unclear] close because I’m looking to half a lap or one lap in the mirror and they are not behind.
46 Nicholas Perrinn Roberto Merhi Copy that, Roberto, we have to tell you when we get the message from race control.
47 Tom Stallard Jenson Button Force India and Red Bull, similar pace to us, but higher deg.
49 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Everything OK?
49 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Yep everything’s fine Lewis, just keep doing what you’re doing.
50 Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas How many more laps do you think on this tyre?
50 Valtteri Bottas Jonathan Eddolls It could be up to ten laps.
51 Tim Wright Sergio Perez Checo we need fuel save level one all stops, all braking points.
52 Daniel Ricciardo Simon Rennie What times are Dany and Kimi doing?
52 Simon Rennie Daniel Ricciardo You are quicker than them at the moment.
52 Tim Wright Sergio Perez Ricciardo has picked up his pace, we think he was managing, we just need to manage our race now.
55 Valtteri Bottas Jonathan Eddolls So what’s the plan, are we stopping or not? I’m losing more and more the rear.
55 Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas We would like to try to go to the end. Obviously it’s going to be very difficult but if we stop then we’ll gain nothing today.
56 Kimi Raikkonen David Greenwood Come on, where is the blue flags? Do I have to [censored by FOM] try to overtake him or what? Lapped car.
56 David Greenwood Kimi Raikkonen Understood, Kimi.
57 Xevi Pujolar Max Verstappen Good job Max, so next one will be Grosjean.
57 Max Verstappen Xevi Pujolar Maybe it’s good I stay behind Vettel because it’s easier to overtake.
57 Xevi Pujolar Max Verstappen Agreed, stay there.
57 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Just be cautious with Bottas and Sainz in front, they are racing for position.
58 Jonathan Eddolls Valtteri Bottas RS mode, first gear, easy into the box, and brakes.
59 Julien Simon-Chautemps Romain Grosjean Situation is you have Rosberg and Vettel behind. And behind them is Verstappen, you are racing Verstappen, be careful when Vettel pass you. Verstappen is on new super soft and very fast. So you are racing Verstappen.
60 Josh Peckett Will Stevens We are OK to continue with the front wing.
60 Will Stevens Josh Peckett Yeah we’re OK to continue but I’ve got no grip whatsoever.
61 Brad Joyce Nico Hulkenberg We’re going to get blue flags for Kvyat soon. That will be a real disaster so we need to get past Sainz and you need to push as hard as you can now. This is a critical phase. This is for a point, possibly two.
62 Julien Simon-Chautemps Romain Grosjean Very well done. Keep Verstappen behind now.
62 Xevi Pujolar Max Verstappen OK push the engine.
62 Daniel Ricciardo Simon Rennie Losing time behind the Sauber.
62 Simon Rennie Daniel Ricciardo Understood. We’re on to Charlie.
63 Erik Schuivens Marcus Ericsson OK Marcus I think your pace is good but I’m afraid we have to let him by.
63 Gianpiero Lambiase Daniil Kvyat Tyre update when you can, Dany.
63 Daniil Kvyat Gianpiero Lambiase It’s all good.
64 Xevi Pujolar Max Verstappen Verstappen and Grosjean collided, bringng out the Safety Car.
You OK, Max?
64 Max Verstappen Xevi Pujolar I’m OK.
65 Julien Simon-Chautemps Romain Grosjean OK Romain?
65 Romain Grosjean Julien Simon-Chautemps Damage or not?
65 Julien Simon-Chautemps Romain Grosjean We are looking, keep going at the moment, he just crashed into you.
65 Romain Grosjean Julien Simon-Chautemps He’s a [censored by FOM] that Verstappen. That was stupid.
65 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Pick up Safety Car. You are the leader at the moment. Lewis pitted. So it’s most important, get those tyres up to temperature, yeah?
65 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Hamilton pitted and having been in the lead fell to third place behind Rosberg and Vettel.
I’ve lost this race, haven’t I?
65 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Not if they lose all their tyre temp. You’ve got very good [super-soft] on the car at the moment.
67 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington At first it was unclear whether Hamilton had come out ahead of Vettel or not.
What’s happening, guys?
67 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton We’re just reviewing the video.
67 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami I was in front at SC1, I was in front.
67 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel OK, copy. Stay in front then. OK we can see from the TV, was clear, was clear from us, looking into the videos.
68 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami Still a lot of debris at turn one.
68 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel Yeah copy that. OK, stay on the racing line.
69 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Just give us advice on what you can see in turn one. Are thy repairing the barrier? Just give us an idea of how long the Safety Car will be.
69 Nico Rosberg Tony Ross No, doesn’t look like they’re working there.
69 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg No weaving Nico, let these cars get through.
69 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Lewis can you let us know who was ahead when you crossed Safety Car Line Two?
69 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Nico was ahead. I was alongside Sebastian.
69 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Roger.
70 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami This is like sending swimmers to swim with weights on their legs, this makes no sense. We need at least two, three laps at better pace to get a bit of temperature, I mean this is a joke.
70 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Safety Car is in this lap, Nico. Remember you control the pace.
71 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Check your brake balance, Nico.
72 Kimi Raikkonen David Greenwood Raikkonen was unhappy about the manner in which Ricciardo passed him at Mirabeau.
Did you see what that guy did? He just pushed me off the, off his front. He just hit me then I went wide, so, that’s not very nice. If that’s not a penalty then nothing is penalty. You can push each other off the line.
73 Gianpiero Lambiase Daniil Kvyat Daniel behind on fresh [super-softs] on a different strategy, OK?
73 Simon Rennie Daniel Ricciardo OK Daniel we will be released to attack the cars ahead.
73 Gianpiero Lambiase Daniil Kvyat Do not hold him up, let him through now please, now.
73 Daniil Kvyat Gianpiero Lambiase OK, OK.
74 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Impossible to pass.
74 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel OK good, he is saying that it is impossible to pass you. That’s good. Keep going like that. Keep your head down. Six laps to go.
75 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel OK another good one, well done, keep doing.
76 Simon Rennie Daniel Ricciardo OK mate you need to get stuck into these guys early.
76 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Strat mode five and you have strat mode two available.
76 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Please stop talking to me, please.
77 Daniil Kvyat Gianpiero Lambiase Having moved Ricciardo ahead of Kvyat to allow him to attack Hamilton, Red Bull swapped the positions back as Ricciardo was unable to make the move.
Is Daniel making any progress?
77 Gianpiero Lambiase Daniil Kvyat You don’t need to worry about that at this stage, Dany. You focus on getting to the end as quickly as you can.
78 Simon Rennie Daniel Ricciardo This is the last lap. If we don’t overtake any cars we will be asked to give the position back to Kvyat.
VL Nico Rosberg Tony Ross Woohoo! Yes!
VL Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Well done! Three wins in a row. Well done, mate.
VL Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Sorry about that Lewis, mate. Just going to have to have a word with the pit wall.
VL Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel Yes, yes, P2, great drive, well done mate. Bravissimo.
VL Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami Grazie ragazzi, grazie, forza Ferrari.
VL Simon Rennie Daniel Ricciardo It was a good effort, it was worth a go. Shame it didn’t work out in the end.
VL Daniel Ricciardo Simon Rennie Yeah understood.
Lap: Refers to lap message was broadcast on. There may be a delay between messages being said and being broadcast. PR = pre-race; FL = formation lap; VL = victory lap.
Message: Repetitive or irrelevant messages omitted. Notes in italics. Highlights in bold.
Follow F1 Fanatic Live on Twitter for team radio highlights during all live F1 sessions.

вторник, 26 мая 2015 г.

F1fanatic: How tyre confusion influenced Hamilton’s pit call

How tyre confusion influenced Hamilton’s pit call

2015 Monaco Grand Prix

Hamilton, Rosberg and Vettel’s team radio messages from the end of the race

Lap* From To Message
65 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Pick up Safety Car. You are the leader at the moment. Lewis pitted. So it’s most important, get those tyres up to temperature, yeah?
65 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington I’ve lost this race, haven’t I?
65 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Not if they lose all their tyre temp. You’ve got very good [super-soft] on the car at the moment.
67 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington What’s happening, guys?
67 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton We’re just reviewing the video.
67 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami I was in front at SC1, I was in front.
67 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel OK, copy. Stay in front then. OK we can see from the TV, was clear, was clear from us, looking into the videos.
68 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami Still a lot of debris at turn one.
68 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel Yeah copy that. OK, stay on the racing line.
69 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Just give us advice on what you can see in turn one. Are thy repairing the barrier? Just give us an idea of how long the Safety Car will be.
69 Nico Rosberg Tony Ross No, doesn’t look like they’re working there.
69 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg No weaving Nico, let these cars get through.
69 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Lewis can you let us know who was ahead when you crossed Safety Car Line Two?
69 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Nico was ahead. I was alongside Sebastian.
69 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Roger.
70 Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami This is like sending swimmers to swim with weights on their legs, this makes no sense. We need at least two, three laps at better pace to get a bit of temperature, I mean this is a joke.
70 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Safety Car is in this lap, Nico. Remember you control the pace.
71 Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Check your brake balance, Nico.
74 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Impossible to pass.
74 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel OK good, he is saying that it is impossible to pass you. That’s good. Keep going like that. Keep your head down. Six laps to go.
75 Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel OK another good one, well done, keep doing.
76 Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Strat mode five and you have strat mode two available.
76 Lewis Hamilton Peter Bonnington Please stop talking to me, please.
VL Nico Rosberg Tony Ross Woohoo! Yes!
VL Tony Ross Nico Rosberg Well done! Three wins in a row. Well done, mate.
VL Peter Bonnington Lewis Hamilton Sorry about that Lewis, mate. Just going to have to have a word with the pit wall.
VL Riccardo Adami Sebastian Vettel Yes, yes, P2, great drive, well done mate. Bravissimo.
VL Sebastian Vettel Riccardo Adami Grazie ragazzi, grazie, forza Ferrari.
VL = Victory lap; Lap number refers to which lap the message was broadcast on.
A full radio transcript will appear here later in the week.

четверг, 14 мая 2015 г.

F1fanatic: 2015 Spanish Grand Prix team radio transcript

2015 Spanish Grand Prix team radio transcript

Lapped cars frustrated several drivers during the Spanish Grand Prix, none more so than Kimi Raikkonen who swore at them on the radio.
But Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel and Valtteri Bottas were also among those venting their frustration at the slower cars as the team radio transcript reveals. Vettel blamed them for him losing second place to Hamilton, and other drivers were heard asking for the lapped traffic to be shown more blue flags instructing them to move over.
The difficulty of overtaking was a theme of the race. However a late change of position between Carlos Sainz Jnr and Daniil Kvyat proved controversial. The pair made contact, and at the end of the race Kvyat’s engineer seemed confident the stewards would penalise Sainz. It didn’t work out that way, however.

Hamilton spent much of the race trying to find a strategic edge to get back in front of Vettel after a slow first pit stop scuppered his first attempt to jump ahead. Approaching his second pit stop he reminded his team the next one needed to be quick. However his switch to a three-stop strategy made that less crucial, particularly as rivals such as Valtteri Bottas were being told to make way for him.
The communications also shed light on how serious Jenson Button’s handling problems in the McLaren were and how Hamilton tried to close on Nico Rosberg in the closing stages before accepting he had too much time to make up and not enough laps to do it in.

Also at end of the race, Romain Grosjean apologised profusely for colliding with his front jack man during a pit stop. He wasn’t the only driver to have trouble hitting his marks – Fernando Alonso had a similar incident which forced him to retire from the race.
The transcript of every radio communication which featured in the coverage of Sunday’s race includes over 350 messages.

Tony Ross
We need more fuel saving, need level two fuel saving please for this lap.
Dave Robson

For information the engine deployment is quite low I have no power in the engine so… That’s normal, or…
Dave Robson

OK Felipe understood we’ll have a look into it. And RS [unclear].
Dave Robson
Everything looks good on the power unit cycles.
Dave Robson

OK. Yeah is normal this lap, is better this lap.
Peter Bonnington
Feedback on the start.
Peter Bonnington

It generally felt quite good. The last two starts were in the exact same spot. RPM dropped quite low but generally felt good. Potentially not enough ‘G’ as I pulled away.
Peter Bonnington

OK copy that. Cool the car, go to the back of the grid.

OK understood Nico, thank you.

Ivan the starts were all in the same place but they were not in the same place as free practice ’cause it was just completely off the rubber, not much grip at all, whereas in practice the rubber was like three metres or ten metres after the start.
Marco Matassa
Flap consideration?
Marco Matassa
I think it’s fine. The only place I have a bit of oversteer is exit of turn nine, because of the wind. The rest is fine.
Dave Greenwood
On Raikkonen’s radio.
I confirm the direction of the wind, so headwind on the pit straight, intensity a bit lower than Q but gusty.
Brad Joyce
Latest temperatures: 29, 46.
On Grosjean’s radio.
Hello Julien, it will be torque four, clutch eight. No problems.
Peter Bonnington
Radio check from the garage, Lewis.
Peter Bonnington
Radio check loud and clear.
Hi Lewis, discussing the brake balance for turn one, Jock, and we reckon 57% and B-mig 2. Might want to open a bit the diff entry as well for lap one.
Peter Bonnington

Is it hotter than it was? Same temperature? OK. It feels, as I said out there I had quite a lot of understeer, initially, over those first two laps. I’m tempted to keep what we’ve put in on. So then you’ve got to take your normal amount out for the next tyres.
Peter Bonnington

OK. So if we were to go with the normal adjust, that would put us two-to-two-and-a-half turns more than the other car I think.
Peter Bonnington
Just have to remember that I was kind of behind so I do need to have the front end. Still that leaves me, even if I take out half a hole from what I’ve just driven, that still means I’m two holes ahead, right? My diff is quite locked so I’ve got scope to come down but as I said when I went out there I had masses of understeer.
Peter Bonnington
Yeah I think that is the temperature thing, the [hard] tyre we know it does need a little bit of time to wake up. All settings should be at our maximum which is two turns more than the other car. And then think about maybe coming down half if you haven’t got scope on your diff to tighten that bit more.
Simon Rennie
OK Daniel further news: everybody on the grid is on [medium] tyres.
Simon Rennie
Track temperature, wind direction and strength all very similar to qualifying. You know what we’ve done with the front wing compared to the laps to the grid? Shortly after the start, once you’ve got past the start/finish line, we can turn the limiter off. You can try to sync all gears on the way to turn one, sync all the way up to gear eight please.
Tony Ross
Cancel RS and feedback on the start, please.
Tony Ross
Good start, little bit of wheel slip at some point.
Tony Ross
Roger that. All gears are currently learnt. We will need to cool the engine on this lap, please. Going to need some work on the brakes to bring those up. Tyre temps are currently ten all round. Need a little bit of charge on the battery and two burn-outs, please.
I had wheelspin initially.
OK tyre temps are 104 front, 100 rear. All the cars have left the grid. Keep working the brakes, we need more energy in the brakes, and cool the car when you can.
Jonathan Eddolls
OK Valtteri no change to the clutch, stay in clutch six.
Mark Temple
The only gear left to learn is eighth, please.
So clutch six, torque three after the burn-outs. The burn-outs will be from the exit of the last curves after turn 16. And please make sure they’re long burn-outs.
Go for five burn-outs. Cancel brake magic.
So check brake balance and B-mig for turn one. Go for a three-stop bite-point.
Mark Temple
Launch map off.
Riccardo Adami
Start switch up when you can.
David Greenwood
Start switch up when you can.
Peter Bonnington
And manage your ERS.
Craig Gardiner
I don’t know why but I have a lot of vibration on my front-right.
Xevi Pujolar
Tyres are hot so we’ll need to manage.
Craig Gardiner
So with the vibration, Felipe, we see it, we just have to keep on going towards our first target.
Riccardo Adami
Fronts and rear on target. Pressure a bit too low, still, but we’ll be fine.
Tony Ross
Gap to Vettel 1.6, just think about the tyres.
Peter Bonnington
DRS has been enabled.
Mark Temple
Which position we are?
Mark Temple
Fernando we are P12.
Tom Stallard
Are the pressures OK? Really struggling with the rear end. Traction very poor, high and low-speed.
Tom Stallard
Jenson, pressures are OK.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Charge 12, fuel 10 to pass Fernando.
Peter Bonnington
It’s impossible to get close.
Peter Bonnington
OK, copy that.
Pastor touched me, just check my front wing.
OK we are having a look.
All OK Romain, keep pushing.
No there is a problem with rear end [unclear].
Tony Ross
Gap to Vettel: 2.8.
Tim Wright
Be careful with surface temperatures.
Dave Robson
So we see the vibrations, Felipe. You’ll have to just stick with the pack, you’re doing a good job right now, and then we can keep an eye on it.
Riccardo Adami
Hamilton reported it was impossible to get close to you. Brakes are OK, brake temps OK. Tyre a bit too high, ten degrees too high.
Brad Joyce
Nico if you’re stuck in traffic go to mix four and save some engine mode.
Brad Joyce
How is the car at the moment, Nico?
Brad Joyce
Well it’s OK considering it’s so heavy traffic. I’m looking after my tyres.
Tom Stallard
Jenson how are the tyres now? Any improvement on the tyres?
Tom Stallard
No. Massively struggling with the rear. I still have understeer but as soon as I touch the throttle, the rear’s gone. Very, very different form Friday.
Tom Stallard
Understood, Jenson. But similar feeling from the lap to the grid?
Tom Stallard
Peter Bonnington
What is the gap ahead of Vettel?
Peter Bonnington
Currently 4.7 seconds. Nico’s doing 31.5. Give us a balance check – we’re thinking of Plan B.
Peter Bonnington
Needs to be – I can’t get close. Balance is generally good. Rears are beginning to slide a bit.
Peter Bonnington
OK copy that.
Tony Ross
Good balance.
Tony Ross
Copy. So if we can just pick up the pace by a couple of tenths, that’s all.
Jonathan Eddolls
Give me some feedback on tyres. Do you think Plan C is possible?
Jonathan Eddolls
Can be possible but difficult to expect what’s going to happen later. But so far it’s consistent.
Tony Ross
So you’re doing a good job there Nico, gap is 6.7. We’re going stint or stint plus one.
Brad Joyce
Pits this lap pit confirm.
Brad Joyce
Copy, box.
Mark Temple
And last lap same pace as Sainz.
Tom Stallard
Jenson we think Plan B and we think target minus five, let’s go.
Tom Stallard
Yeah, agree.
David Greenwood
OK grip position eight on the dash, grip eight, tyre temps are in the window, surface well under control, surface looks good.
Mark Temple
The rear end is terrible. But I don’t know, may be the same for everybody I guess.
Mark Temple
Yes Fernando I think it’s similar for others. Our degradation looks good, similar to the cars around us, maybe a little better.
Tom Stallard
Jenson box to overtake, confirm.
Tom Stallard
Tom Stallard
Launch map on, apply the brakes during the stop.
Peter Bonnington
OK Lewis let’s close that gap up, you’re doing a great job.
Tony Ross
And let us know if you need a flap adjust for the next stint.
Tony Ross
No change.
Tony Ross
Copy, copy.
Peter Bonnington
OK let’s go. Bite point four, It’s hammer time.
Brad Joyce
Kvyat in front of you, used medium, he stopped a lap later than you, same strategy.
Jonathan Eddolls
Tyres are looking good from our side, it’s looking like Plan C.
Riccardo Adami
Hamilton in the pits.
Peter Bonnington
Box, box, do the opposite to Vettel.
Peter Bonnington
So cancel RS and we’re pushing hard from the out-lap.
Riccardo Adami
Are you sure front wing plus 25? Plus one click?
Riccardo Adami
Yeah confirm, box now. Hamilton’s stop was very slow. Grip seven, start switch down.
David Greenwood
OK at my pit stop a little bit less front wing.
Peter Bonnington
Guys please tell me the time, OK?
Simon Rennie
Maldonado has damaged his rear wing, he may struggle. Let’s get into him.
Tony Ross
Box, box, box.
Tony Ross
Check your brake balance. Nice and easy into the box.
Peter Bonnington
Is it best I eke these tyres out now for as long as possible?
Tony Ross
And just thinking about the tyres for these first few laps. Really important.
Tony Ross
So remember stint plus eight on this stint. We would like you to pass Kimi, don’t take any risks, don’t damage the tyres.
David Greenwood
Box this lap, Kimi.
David Greenwood
David Greenwood
And start switch down. OK, concentrate on position.
Gianpiero Lambiase
We need to do everything we can to pass Sainz. Use your switches as you need to.
Peter Bonnington
We’re going to need to push and attack Vettel. We’re going to need to do this on-track, mate?
Peter Bonnington
Well I can assure you that’s pretty much impossible, Bono, so we need to come up with another solution.
Peter Bonnington
OK Lewis we are on Plan B. So it’ll be a battle at the end of the race and we’ll be on inverted tyres.
David Greenwood
OK Kimi so could be a long stint.
Peter Bonnington
Coming up on traffic, you can use these opportunities.
Peter Bonnington
Please Bono, try not to speak to me during the corners, please.
David Greenwood
OK check your PT position. Bottas ahead, used [medium], Massa behind, used [medium].
Gianpiero Lambiase
OK so it’s a better pace at this stage, this stint. Catching Verstappen at one second per lap.
Tim Wright
Box this lap, pit confirm.
Mark Temple
And box this lap, confirm.
Mark Temple
Mark Temple
Correction, stay out.
Mark Temple
OK, out.
David Greenwood
Pace is very, very good – matching the Williams. Give me a stint like Bahrain middle stint, it can get a lot better.
Problem with fourth gear.
OK, we are having a look.
David Greenwood
What the [censored by FOM] is this Marussia doing? He has been three corners now in the middle of the road.
Erik Schuivens
Perez behind he is on new [hard]. Hulkenberg ahead is on [medium] lapping 33.9.
Marco Matassa
OK guys this is clearly not a race tyre.
OK Romain you need to lift when you use the bad gear.
I can’t.
Alan Permane
Romain, if you don’t do that, you will blow the engine up, right? You have to.
Brad Joyce
Copy that Nico. The only plus point is the hard is looking poor at the moment.
Brad Joyce
No, don’t speak on the straight.
Brad Joyce
Well you’ll have to wait for your answer, then. The hard is looking poor at the moment.
Brad Joyce
Fair enough having the new now but should have had the new now, I would have gone through these guys.
Brad Joyce
Right, this is what you’ve got, so let’s make the best of it now mate.
Tony Ross
So fuel now very safe so continue tyre saving but you can burn more fuel.
Peter Bonnington
OK Lewis go strat six, we’re going to save the engine for later on.
Tony Ross
Please use first gear at one point in the next three laps just to keep sync.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Good job, Dany.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Really crucial part of the race here, Dany. Really critical part for us. Need to get past Verstappen.
Tony Ross
This set is worse than the previous one. More oversteer.
Tony Ross
Peter Bonnington
Lewis you’re doing a great job. Many engine modes are available if you find an opportunity. You are in your Safety Car window.
Riccardo Adami
Rosberg reported he is tyre saving. Rosberg lap time 1.5, Hamilton 1.7 behind you, he is reporting he will save some good engine for later.
Peter Bonnington
Just have a think about the balance, going to the other tyre next stint.
Peter Bonnington
Balance OK.
Tony Ross
Nico we didn’t manage to keep the sync in first so please go down to first again, it’s still synced at the moment.
Tony Ross
Bite point two. First has re-synced, thank you.
Tony Ross
So Nico if you can do just pick up the pace back to where it was. Two cars in front are lapped cars but racing, so caution.
Tom Stallard
As soon as I touch the throttle I have wheelspin. Is there anything we can do, maybe diff or something, I don’t know. But it’s not normal.
Tom Stallard
Try purple C3 position three, exit diff locking.
Battery’s very low.
OK it will be strat eight, strat eight on the start/finish line. You are doing well, Romain…
No more power, no more power.
OK, standby. It’s alright, Romain, it will come back. It was the strat change, all OK.
Mark Temple
I have problems with brake. Do you see anything on trace?
Mark Temple
OK Fernando box this lap, we want to have a look at the rear of the car.
Mark Temple
OK, box.
Mark Temple
And limiter, stop on your marks, we’ll change the tyres but we want to have a look at the rear so we’ll be slow.
Tom Stallard
Jenson we need to box this lap.
Tom Stallard
Box this lap.
Mark Temple
Alonso was unable to stop in his pit box and almost sent his front jack man flying.
OK Fernando let’s switch the car off, we’re going to retire.
Tim Wright
Alonso is out of the race. If we can keep close to Ericsson it’s good for us.
Tom Stallard
Box, box.
Tom Stallard
Tom Stallard
Launch map on, apply the brakes during the stop.
Tony Ross
So that’s good Nico we’d just like you to keep that up just to avoid any interaction at the end of the race, we’re just looking to perfect your strategy.
OK Romain, Ricciardo in front is not very quick, try to close the gap if you can.
Tom Stallard
Jenson you’ve been doing fuel three, we need fuel one now, fuel one is enough.
Jonathan Eddolls
Slightly more rear deg now.
Jonathan Eddolls
Copy. How many laps left?
Jonathan Eddolls
Could be around 20.
Peter Bonnington
We need a fast stop, guys.
Peter Bonnington
No worries Lewis, we’re going to go for it. Bite point three, won’t be long now.
Erik Schuivens
OK Marcus lap times are looking good, keep it up. We might stretch the stint.
Peter Bonnington
OK Lewis let’s try and close that gap, it won’t be long now.
Peter Bonnington
Trying to, Bono.
Peter Bonnington
OK mate.
Dave Robson
Yeah I’m struggling right now.
OK Romain we are on Plan B and remember to lift off on the bad gear.
Peter Bonnington
Box, box.
Peter Bonnington
Box, box. Do the opposite to Vettel.
Peter Bonnington
OK Lewis cancel RS. We’re on Plan B so you can push these tyres. We’re going to come out with Raikkonen and Button, we need to get past Raikkonen as soon as possible, Button is traffic.
Simon Rennie
OK Daniel still doing a good job, mate. Pace is good, you are pulling away from Grosjean.
Dave Robson
Felipe Massa
Both clicks off and you’ll be out on a clear track.
David Greenwood
Massa has stopped, we think he’s doing three stops. Hamilton behind, we are racing him.
David Greenwood
Yeah fine but I’m losing the tyres, really.
David Greenwood
Peter Bonnington
Give it all you’ve got, Lewis. Raikkonen 15-lap-old [hard] tyres.
Simon Rennie
Still doing a good job, mate, pace is good, you are pulling away from Grosjean.
Peter Bonnington
We are on Plan B, you know what you’ve got to do, keep pushing.
Tom Stallard
This is fuel zero, fuel zero OK. Fernando’s car had to retire, the problem does not affect us.
Riccardo Adami
We’re thinking Hamilton is on three stops. Should go three stops. Try to do good laps now, I know it’s difficult.
Peter Bonnington
So Vettel’s doing 33.1.
Tony Ross
So push hard now, Nico, won’t be long.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Felt like tyre came back a little bit this last lap.
Gianpiero Lambiase
OK copy, keep going.
Peter Bonnington
Keep me up to date with my fuelling. Doesn’t look good at the moment.
Peter Bonnington
You are safe to plan, just ignore the Lars (?) bar.
Peter Bonnington
So Bottas car ahead, he’s in P3, currently doing 32.7, we’re going to have to get past him.
Peter Bonnington
Bottas 22 lap [mediums].
Tony Ross
Just still trying to extend that stint, Nico, just keep pushing.
Jonathan Eddolls
OK so you might be feeling some deg but it looks like Plan C.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Try to keep it consistent. This lap is looking better again. Just control the tyre temps.
David Greenwood
Seems like Bottas’s tyres are dropping off, we are gradually catching him.
Jonathan Eddolls
So I think Hamilton will get us. Just let him through, do a lift-and-cost. We’re not really racing him today,
David Greenwood
Get that Marussia out of the way as soon as we catch him.
David Greenwood
Copy, copy, we’re on it.
Erik Schuivens
Ericsson was briefly held up by team mate Nasr.
We’re being compromised.
Erik Schuivens
One lap, one lap, patience.
Jonathan Eddolls
The traffic in front is slowing me down so, you think we need to stop?
Jonathan Eddolls
We’re watching the gap to Raikkonen behind, it’s stable, so stay out.
Riccardo Adami
OK box Sebastian, box. Start switch down.
Tony Ross
You’re doing a good job Nico just keep pushing, Keep us advised how the tyres are.
Tony Ross
Tyres OK for now.
Tony Ross
OK just keep pushing then, we’re looking for a good gap.
Peter Bonnington
These tyres are not liking traffic.
Peter Bonnington
There’ll be some flags
Peter Bonnington
How much time am I losing behind all these guys?
Peter Bonnington
So Vettel’s in the pits now, you’re doing a good job, if we just clear them as soon as we can we can push on.
Peter Bonnington
Blue flags!
Peter Bonnington
Peter Bonnington
This guy in front, he’s got half his rear wing hanging off.
Tony Ross
Keep us advised on the tyres, we’re looking to minimise the stint length on the [hard].
Tony Ross
Starting to go a little bit more now.
Tony Ross
Tony Ross
Nico let us know if you’re OK to do two more.
Tony Ross
Tony Ross
Jonathan Eddolls
RS mode, first gear, easy into the box, brakes.
Peter Bonnington
Now we’ve got free air let’s target 30.7.
Tom Stallard
Losing rear grip but seems reasonably stable.
Tony Ross
We’re looking to do one more lap after this again just tell us on the tyres, keep us advised, we can see lap times.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Use your energy to defend as you need to.
Well done mate, great move.
Peter Bonnington
This pace is very good, still pulling gap to Vettel.
Peter Bonnington
We’re going to extend this stint while you’re pulling a gap.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Settle down behind Grosjean at this stage, we still think he may have a gearbox issue. And Sainz has pitted for [medium] tyres. So we need to keep our tyres in good condition.
Tony Ross
Box, box, box. Going to [hard] tyres, standard flap adjust. And RS.
Tony Ross
Lewis in front is racing Vettel, he is on a different strategy, he has one more stop to make.
Dave Robson
Who is this guy in front?
Dave Robson
Felipe Massa
It’s Maldonado, he’s just come out of the pits.
Tony Ross
So you will be coming out behind Lewis, he has one more stop to make, so look after the tyres. Traffic, you have Ericsson coming alongside, you should be clear of him.
Tony Ross
21 laps remaining. Vettel has stopped again also on [hard] tyres, he is at least ten seconds behind, I’ll give you an update. Lewis is racing Vettel, he is on a different strategy and has one more stop to make. Nico just make sure you are working the tyres hard enough, though, so that they do work.
Peter Bonnington
Bite point two when you can, pace is really strong, Lewis.
Peter Bonnington
Strat mode three, you’re doing a great job, we’re pushing Vettel out of the pit window, just a couple of seconds to do it.
Mark Slade
OK Pastor I’m afraid we’re going to have to box to retire the car at the end of this lap.
Mark Slade
OK and just stop in the box gently.
Tony Ross
So just keep this gap to Lewis, look after those tyres.
Dave Robson
Felipe Massa
You’ll be coming out onto an empty track, track will be clear. And Felipe both clicks off.
Marco Matassa
You’re half a second faster than Max in front. We need rear tyres on the high side in temperature.
Craig Gardiner
You are one second per lap quicker than Hulkenberg in front.
Peter Bonnington
Vettel now on our pit window.
Simon Rennie
Watch your mirrors. Rosberg now two seconds behind you.
Peter Bonnington
Fuel is good, just ignore that Lars (?) bar.
Peter Bonnington
Tyres are still good.
Peter Bonnington
Box, box.
Jonathan Eddolls
So for info from data it’s that front tyre that’ll be limit at the end of the race.
Peter Bonnington
Cancel RS. Should be coming out ahead of Vettel. Diff magic on.
Riccardo Adami
Hamilton out of the pits now. Can see Hamilton in front of you.
Riccardo Adami
Yeah, he’s gone.
Riccardo Adami
We lost too much time in traffic. I know they are doing their own race but still, we are losing a lot in traffic.
Riccardo Adami
OK, understood, I agree.
Peter Bonnington
OK Lewis so you’re in P2, Nico 20 seconds ahead.
Peter Bonnington
Keep me up to date with his pace.
Peter Bonnington
Will do, Lewis.
Peter Bonnington
Pace of the car in front?
Peter Bonnington
Strat mode ten. Nico doing 29.1.
Peter Bonnington
Are we on the same tyres?
Peter Bonnington
Strat mode ten. Negative, Nico on eight-lap-old [hards].
Tony Ross
OK so 11 laps remaining. Gap to Lewis is 19 seconds.
Riccardo Adami
Riccardo Adami
OK, copy.
Peter Bonnington
Am I OK to keep pushing?
Riccardo Adami
Come on, blue flag! Otherwise I get stuck.
Riccardo Adami
OK he has blue flags.
Riccardo Adami
Yeah he had blue flags for three laps,
Gianpiero Lambiase
Keep on his tail.
Tony Ross
11 laps remaining, gap to Lewis is 19 seconds.
Jonathan Eddolls
They are not giving space.
Jonathan Eddolls
Copy, we’re getting into Charlie. Use DRS when you’re close, battery full.
Peter Bonnington
Bono, information, lap times please.
Peter Bonnington
So Nico 29.5, 11 laps remaining. Looks like it may be a big ask to do it so may be best to consolidate the position.
Peter Bonnington
Are you telling me it’s not possible? Let me know.
Peter Bonnington
I don’t think it will be possible with the remaining laps, Lewis, probably just better looking after this one, let him have it.
Peter Bonnington
Is it impossible? That’s the question.
Peter Bonnington
He’s going to respond if we pick the pace up. So I think we just need to consolidate the position. Seems to be impossible.
Jonathan Eddolls
Mode two when you can for (unclear), mode two.
Dave Robson
Felipe Massa
Nine more laps to go. Cars in front still struggling so let’s keep pushing on, let’s make sure we get everything out of these tyres.
David Greenwood
Blue flags for this guy.
David Greenwood
Copy, they’re not being good at all.
Tony Ross
Eight laps remaining, gap to Lewis 15 seconds, he’s about a second a lap quicker at the moment.
Peter Bonnington
Nico 30.1, gap 15.0.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Daniil Kvyat
Grosjean’s gearbox issue means he will be weak exit turn five, turn twelve and turn fifteen, final chicane.
Peter Bonnington
So gap down to 13.6.
Peter Bonnington
How many laps?
Peter Bonnington
Seven remaining.
Peter Bonnington
Pace ahead?
Peter Bonnington
Riccardo Adami
Good lap Sebastian. Rosberg last time 30.3.
David Greenwood
How many laps we have?
David Greenwood
Six after this, Kimi.
Tim Wright
Massa may be lapping Nico and Ericsson then you within three laps.
Riccardo Adami
Good lap Sebastian, good lap. Rosberg last time 30.3.
Riccardo Adami
Kimi lap time 32.1, fighting with Bottas.
Tony Ross
Five laps remaining. Lewis has backed off his pace slightly, gap still around 13 seconds.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Bottas and Raikkonen behind will be lapping us soon. Obviously Verstappen and Sainz behind the two of them currently two seconds behind Raikkonen.
David Greenwood
This [censored by FOM] Toro Rosso it just came in front of me.
Gianpiero Lambiase
OK we do have blues now for Bottas and Raikkonen. Sainz will be behind him.
Dave Robson
He’s not letting me by.
Gianpiero Lambiase
For info Sainz behind similar pace to Bottas.
Riccardo Adami
Three laps to go, three until the end.
Tony Ross
Two more laps, Nico.
Dave Robson
Felipe Massa
Let’s just get past Perez and then the trio ahead.
Tim Wright
Keep aware of the front-left tyre.
Tony Ross
And last lap now.
Jonathan Eddolls
Before the last corner, go mode one. Wait until then.
Tony Ross
Woohoo! Yes! Go on!
Tony Ross
Good job, Nico, excellent race, well managed, really good job. So strat one. Just pick up rubber and just enjoy that in-lap.
Paddy Lowe
Well done, Nico. Absolutely fantastic pole position and fantastic race, well done.
Paddy Lowe
Thank you Paddy, also from you guys thank you, really perfect weekend.
Paddy Lowe
A good day at the office.
Paddy Lowe
Tony Ross
Good work Nico, well done.
Peter Bonnington
Well done Lewis, great job there mate, that’s P2. Fantastic job making that three-stop work.
Riccardo Adami
Yes, P3, well done. Back to the podium.
Riccardo Adami
Woohoo! Grazie ragazzi, grande l’amoro. [Thanks boys, big love.] Shame we couldn’t stay ahead, we tried everything, guess we had a bit too much traffic coming out of the pits.
Riccardo Adami
Switch down. Yes, understood, copy that.
Riccardo Adami
Yeah. And then they were able to jump us, they were quicker. Anyway, grazie mille.
Jonathan Eddolls
Yes, nice one! P4. Really good job, made the strategy work. Go mode ten please. Fantastic drive. P4.
Jonathan Eddolls
Thanks guys, really well done. Again we beat one of the red ones with a little bit slower car so bit of a repeat from last race. Thanks guys, let’s keep pushing.
Jonathan Eddolls
Copy that. Just remember to pick up lots of rubber. So finishing order in the end: Rosberg won from Hamilton, Vettel – you were only 13 seconds behind him so that’s the closest we’ve been – Raikkonen, Massa got six, Ricciardo, Grosjean, Sainz, Kvyat.
Jonathan Eddolls
Copy that. The podium will come, let’s just keep going.
Jonathan Eddolls
Copy that. It’s getting closer.
Rob Smedley
Well done Valtteri, that was a really excellent drive. P4, you deserve it, as you said the podium’s on its way.
Rob Smedley
Thanks Rob.
Tom Stallard
JB I still don’t fully understand what happened in the first two stints there. But pace in the last two stints was OK, more or less where we expected it to be.
Tom Stallard
Yeah I mean it was pretty horrific. I don’t know why but [unclear] immediately snap to oversteer. There might be something broken. Something to look at because it was terrible, I mean I haven’t driven a car like that for a long… well, ever! Very weird. A little bit of a set-up mistake, maybe, you would expect. Did not have the maximum from the car, but not like that. That was a different level.
Tom Stallard
Yep, OK. We’ll have a proper investigation, try to understand what’s going on.
David Greenwood
Good race, you drove really well sorry for all the problems during the weekend. Just remember to pick up rubber.
David Greenwood
Yeah wasn’t a very good weekend but at least we got something out.
David Greenwood
Copy, copy.
Maurizio Arrivabene
Well done Kimi. More than that was impossible today.
Grosjean knocked his front jack man over during a pit stop.
That’s it, P8, well dome mate. Good points, well deserve. Strat two, torque 12.
Good job, guys. I’m very, very, very, very sorry for the pit stop. I hope no one is hurt.
No that’s fine Romain, they are solid, don’t worry.
OK, sorry but well done. Tough, tough race.
It was a tough race but you did everything right. It’s nice to bring back some points. Well done again.
Simon Rennie
Nico job today mate. Good pace, I know it’s a bit of a quiet race for you last two stints but pace was good, good management. So we finished P7.
Simon Rennie
OK, understood. Thanks guys.
Dave Robson
Felipe Massa
That’s a good drive, really nice drive. Made some good progress at the beginning and P6 from where we were is a good result. So in fact everybody got lapped up to us, we were the last car not to be lapped, that’s good.
Dave Robson
OK, yep, that’s good. Thank you guys.
Marco Matassa
P9 mate. Two points in the bag. Well done.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Sainz passed Kvyat on the final lap, the pair made contact but the stewards did not improve a penalty, leaving Kvyat tenth.
So as it stands P10. Hopefully it’ll be back to P9.
Gianpiero Lambiase
Dany for your information Charlie was made aware and I think his stance was unless Sainz gave you the position back he would be reported to the stewards. OK? That’s where we’re at.
Xevi Pujolar
P11. Shame we couldn’t get that point.